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Biological Control of Mushroom Sciarids with Steinernema feltiae
nemycel® contains the nematode Steinernema feltiae and controls the larval stages of sciarids. Infective juveniles actively search for sciarid larvae, enter through natural openings and invade the body cavity, where they release their symbiotic bacteria. The bacteria multiply and kill the insect within one day. The nematodes feed on the bacteria and propagate. Two weeks after application about 1,000 nematodes of the next generation emerge from one infected larva.
Area of application
Adult sciarids are small, black mosquitos, of 3 to 5 mm, with two slender antennae and long legs. They are vectors for fungal spores and mites and a nuisance for picking staff. Adults live for 7 days in which gravid females lay approx. 200 eggs in unspawned compost and casing soil. At mushroom growing temperatures, the life cycle takes about 4 weeks. The short life cycle together with the high reproduction rate can lead to an extremely high increase in insect numbers during the second and third flush. Main damage is caused by the larvae, feeding on growing mycelium and developing pinheads and buttons.
Mode of action
nemycel® contains the nematode Steinernema feltiae and controls the larval stages of sciarids. Infective juveniles actively search for sciarid larvae, enter through natural openings and invade the body cavity, where they release their symbiotic bacteria. The bacteria multiply and kill the insect within one day. The nematodes feed on the bacteria and propagate. Two weeks after application about 1,000 nematodes of the next generation emerge from one infected larva.
nemycel® is applied to the casing layer as an aqueous suspension at 2 million nematodes per m². Splitting of the total dosage into two applications, the first at casing and the second with last watering, is most effective. nemycel® contains living organisms and works best if used as soon as possible after delivery. It may be stored at 2 – 8° C until the date of expiry. nemycel® is compatible with most fungicides such as Sporgon and Vivando.
Infected insects ‘colour whitish-yellow. The first larvae die 1 day after application. Trial results from research stations in the Netherlands, Hungary, France and Belgium show reductions in sciarid numbers up to 80 %. Development of resistance is not expected. nemycel® is safe for beneficial insects, plants and humans.
4 benefits of nemycel®
High effectiveness
80% of larvae in the compost can be killed by the application of nemycel. For best results simply dissolve nemycel in water and feed into the irrigation system.
High compatibility
The nematodes in nemycel are infective juveniles. In this particular stage they can be combined with many active ingredients, regardless of whether they are biological or chemical.
100% Organic
Our product philosophy is 100% organic. We do not use any chemical additives in our formulation and therefore, our production meets the requirements of FiBL and OMRI.
No micro plastic
Due to our philosophy, we do not use any type of micro plastics. Instead, our formulation is based on natural diatomaceous earth with the advantage that it dissolves easily in water and does not clog the irrigation system.
Product Video Nemycel®
Control Phorid flies with Nematodes
Phorid larvae (Megaselia halterata) feed on the mycelium, so the adult flies are not attracted to the compost until after they have been pecked to lay eggs. The larvae are white, 1 to 6 mm long, stubby at one end and pointed at the other. They feed on the growing fungal mycelium, but rarely on the fruiting bodies themselves. They can be distinguished from sciarid larvae by the absence of the black head and develop more rapidly into a pupa. Adult phorids act as a vector for dry bubble (Verticillium fungicola). 75 flies per sqm (7 per sq ft) may already cause an outbreak of this disease.
Phorid larvae can be effectively controlled with the nematode product nemycel® phorid fly.
Application conditions
At the time of application, phorid larvae or adults should be present in the compost so that the nematodes can multiply in the insects. The nematodes are effective at compost temperatures up to 30°C (86°F). At higher temperatures, nematode effectiveness decreases. Nematodes work best in substrates with a water content of 70%.
nemycel® Phorid fly dissolves in water to form a suspension that can be easily applied to plants. All screens must be removed. Use nozzles with a diameter of at least 0.8 mm. The pressure should not exceed 5 bar (80 psi).
1.6 million nematodes per m2 (150 million per 1,000 sq ft) at spore application or immediately thereafter. No later than the second day, nemycel® Phorid Fly should be applied. Repeat application with first irrigation at first bloom 18 – 20 days after application.
nemycel® phorid fly can be mixed in the tank with SporGon or Vivando.
Sodium hypochlorite at a concentration of 0.05% has no effect.
Chlorine up to 50 mg per liter of water has no effect.
Hydrogen peroxide should be applied 3 days before or after Nemycel application.